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Donate to Haiti Relief Efforts


As we watch events unfold in Haiti closely, we invite prayer and donations to support those in need.


Donations to may be made in 2 ways:


1. Write a check made payable to Memorial Baptist Church and put on the memo line "Haiti Relief”. Place in the offering plate on Sunday or mail to Church Office.


2. You may also donate through MBC's Vanco giving platform.  Choose "One Great Hour of Sharing - Haiti Relief" option and follow directions.


One hundred percent of donations go to the American Baptist Relief and Development Fund and specifically for relief efforts in Haiti; no dollars are retained by MBC or the ABCUSA for office or administrative costs.

-->Most recent details on Haiti relief efforts from International Ministries/ABCUSA - (Aug.20)

As a thank-you gift

for donations $15 and over...

you can receive the MBC Cookbook* filled with great recipes from past and current members and friends of Memorial Baptist Church along with recipes from Haiti.


They may be picked up at the church on any Sunday or during the week at the office (Tu-F 9am-2pm). Mailing is available for out-of-town donations. If you don't wish to receive a cookbook, please make a note on your check.



* These cookbooks were first designed as a 2018 fundraiser by the MBC Haiti Mission Group for Hope Changes Everything, a children's ministry in Haiti.


Memorial Baptist Church
97 South Pleasant Street
Middlebury, Vt 05753

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