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Vision Statement: Memorial Baptist Church seeks to help connect people to Jesus Christ and to each other.
Mission Statement: Memorial Baptist Church Missions provides opportunities to the congregation where relationships are developed locally and globally that demonstrate the love of God and allow us to bring the gospel to everyone we encounter through our words and actions.

MBC supports the following Mission and Ministries throughout the year with time, money, and/or building space.

The Deacons oversee all missions through appointed advocates (names in parentheses).

Charter House providing housing & meals for families/individuals facing homelessness/difficulty. (Sue Schweppe)
Crop Walk - An MBC group walk in this nation-wide fundraiser to end hunger in Addison County and U.S.  (TBD)
The Women's Center: Pregnancy Resource Center of Addison County  (Kathleen and Dutton Smith)
Habitat for Humanity ( Jeff Rehbach)

H.O.P.E. (Helping to Overcome Poverty’s Effects) A local organization giving help to low income families/individuals (Deacons)

HOPE Changes Everything - Food program for children in Haiti (Debra Wilkinson & Kathleen Smith)

Food Shelf of Addison County - Monthly Special Offering  (Deacons)

Bone Builders - A gentle weight lifting program for 50+ - MBC provides space  (Deborah Dickerson)

Young Life - Outreach to Addison County High Schools  (TBD)

Inter-varsity at Middlebury College (Laurel Calkins)


Andrew and Anne May Prison Ministry in South Africa -  (Lou Nop)

American Baptist Churches of VT/NH - Regional Office

Ann and Bill Clemmer, ABC Missionaries with Heal Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo (Melinda Williams)


• Audio/Video Ministry - Sunday morning live-stream services (Mitch Howell)
Sermon Podcast (Mitch Howell)
• Mission Discretionary Fund - covering things like camp scholarships, mission trips, global and local needs (Deacons)
• Deacon Fund Offering- for emergency needs of our MBC community (Deacons)

There is an advocate assigned to the above missions and ministries. For more information on the ministry, please reach out to the advocate or click on the ministry's link. The advocate is consulted by the Trustees Board as to any increase for giving (as stated in bylaws). The trustees then budget money with membership approval (voted on at the Annual Budget meeting) for specific ministries that the church body desires to support. Individuals who designate gifts in their offering to one of these ministries helps the church in meeting this commitment. (Designated money exceeding the budgeted amount will also go to that ministry.)


As a regular attender of MBC, you may submit a mission or ministry for congregational support through an application process. For more details contact church office.


Memorial Baptist Church
97 South Pleasant Street
Middlebury, Vt 05753

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