Prayers of Thanksgiving, 2020
by the People of Memorial Baptist Church.
We come to You, Lord, to offer our thanks. During an unsettling year, we look back at times of great turmoil and illness, yet see the work of Your hands.
We thank You, Great Shepherd and Guide, that during times of joy and sorrow, you are with us, Your grace and mercy never fail.
Thank You Lord, for using the pandemic to reveal the truth of our fragility, and the way that you step into our uncertainty with your faithfulness, your presence, your unfailing love. Thank You that Your work continues from day to day, in times of peace, and times of trouble.
We thank you for Memorial Baptist Church, that this family of believers, though separated now, is the body of Christ and that your kingdom is greater than the distances we must keep.
We thank you for the sweetness and encouragement of fellowship on campus, at church, on Zoom, on the phone, in letters, emails and texts, the kindness of our church family.
Thank you for the elderly and how this time has reminded us how much we treasure them.
Thank you, Lord, for the tender warmth of a snuggling baby.
Thank you for the cheerful attitude of children, having unexpected time with adult children living at home, for joyful grandchildren, for college students and preschoolers, the young and old.
When the world has felt crazy and unpredictable, thank you Lord for husbands, wives, and friends. Thank you for moments of clarity when we can see that Your plans are perfect, and for those that remind us of your goodness when we cannot see clearly.
Thank you, Lord, for the little things that have given us a glimmer of hope this year, like the afternoon autumn sun, for tea and scones, a phone call or note in the mail from a friend, for books, poetry, music and movies.
Thank you for small delights like chocolate milk and cookies, and the greater delight of sharing them. Thank you for school and time with friends outdoors.
Thank you, Lord, for sleep and good health, and for the people that care for us
when we are exhausted and sick.
Thank you for the small towns, small cities and small churches of Vermont, and the glorious beauty that surrounds us.
Thank you for this place, the mountains, the valleys, the fields and streams, the forests and marshes,
The long, warm summer this year, and the beautiful colors of fall foliage.
Thank you, Lord, for the beautiful, bountiful earth, for trees, all around, all year long, for many reasons, for the colors of the sunset, for quiet walks, for our beautiful Vermont.
Thank you Lord for the hands you’ve made for us to use – for creativity and art projects, for the ability to sew and knit, to play music, to paint and draw, to build gardens and harvest them, to work outdoors. Thank you that you’ve created our hands to create, build, repair, to heal, to clothe, to feed.
Thank you for local produce and the fact that we have access to it, thank you for Charter House and the Food Shelf, and all those that volunteer. Thank you for the endless opportunities we have to serve others.
Thank you, Lord, for the jobs that have not been negatively impacted by Covid, to be able to work when so many others cannot. Thank you, Lord, for your great compassion.
Thank you for the dedication and persistence of Memorial Baptist Sunday School teachers, worship leaders, deacons and trustees who strive to maintain our connections with each other, to help us grow in faith and relationships. Thank you for Pastor Stephanie’s leadership, for faithfully preaching Your Word each week.
We thank you Sovereign God, for your son Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who died for our sins. We thank you that because of His sacrifice you hear our prayers, that when we cannot speak, your Spirit speaks for us,
Your Word comforts and encourages us, that you have given us these gifts, freely, that your kindness and love are boundless, and eternal. We offer our thanksgiving to You.