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See below for list of groups.


We each have passions and interests. Where do those intersect with faith? What if we live into those interests to live out the Gospel? What if we meet each other in fellowship and sharing around those common interests?


  • Can we come together to cook or bake and share favoite recipes as we talk about God?

  • Can we paint and laugh while sharing the struggles of our week?

  • Can we meet as parents of children in an environment that brings us closer to the Lord and where we hear the wisdom of other parents?

  • Can we join our musical abilities with others to create songs, express our faith, and worship God?

  • What if my passion is ministry to the homeless? Where can I connect with that, God's Word, and others?



As we begin to form and join kinship groups,
keep these Goals, Expectations, and Parameters in mind.


—Going Deeper… to bring our authentic self to connect with others 
    at MBC through a shared interest, life experience, or ministry focus.
—Going Wider… and to invite non-church friends and neighbors, 
    if opportunity opens and as God leads.



The focus will be on the shared interest. In that way, these groups are different from a worship, prayer, or Bible study small group as they are conversation and activity based. We bring our whole selves including our faith, however, the emphasis is on doing, or making, or creating, or brainstorming... TOGETHER.

Each group will have a person who is the facilitator who helps with organization details. Kinship groups are not leader-led, they are to about group input and involvement.

Experience life together, both the joys and challenges.

Explore and expand our God-given creativity.


The facilitator may set time/location or it may be set by the group.
Gathering places may be in homes or in the church building.
There may be size limits due to physical space. 
Gathering frequency: Though weekly is ideal, it is summer after all,
so the group can decide how often to meet or when to skip a week.
Do not over-busy yourself. Pick one or two groups this summer. 


Quilters &


Monthly on 3rd Saturday
9am-12noon, Fellowship Hall

 Bring your own project and supplies. Iron and  Ironing board available.


Facilitator: Melinda Williams

Next gathering
August 17



Weekly on Sundays
Come and go as you wish  1:00pm-4:00pm

Home of Amy Randall

near Hancock Center

Bring your own project

(no mtg on 8/25)​


Facilitator: Amy Randall

Already meeting

Join anytime

Around the Campfire 

Weekly, Fridays, 6:30pm
at the Vigne's Firepit in Whiting
Singing and campfire munchies.

Bring your voices, guitar,
and any other instrument conducive to a campfire sing.


Facilitators: Susan & Greg Vigne

All Fridays
in August

Bone Builders

Twice Weekly,
Tues/Thurs 9-10am

Fellowship Hall

Gentle weight-lifting program
to help build strong bones.


Facilitator: Deborah Dickerson

Already meeting

Join anytime


Outdoor Adventures

Walk, hike, kayak, canoe...

 Outdoor adventures (nothing extreme!) and frequency to be planned by the group. 


Facilitator: Kathy Carpenter

Next Activitybeing  planned​

for August 26. 

Memorial Baptist Church
97 South Pleasant Street
Middlebury, Vt 05753

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